During the years
which preceded the Second World War Political and Religious meetings were being
held throughout Europe during which Jews were condemned as a danger to society.
Little was done by Christians to stop this teaching which incited the hatred which
enabled the mass murder of men women and children to take place. Ordinary men
who before the war were upright members of the community joined such units as
Battalion 101 who were reservist Police officers and who became the most
violent killers in history. Within five short years those men in that battalion,
who numbered less than 500, originally defenders of communities, became the
murderers of 83,000 Jews. They, who had families of their own, stripped and
shot women and children at point blank range and the local Clergy watched. This
happened for many reasons but one reason was that people were afraid to do
anything to oppose such violence. If you were caught helping Jews you would be
arrested and taken to the murder camps or executed on the spot, as were your
On Sunday the 25th
of August the Greenbelt Christian Youth Summer Camp being held at Cheltenham
Racecourse will host Reverend Lucy Winkett the Chair of the Amos Trust who will
launch, on behalf of the trust, the Kairos Britain network of Churches. This network,
which is also being launched in other countries around the world is targeting
Israel as an oppressive unjust and racist nation who give no rights to the Palestinians.
They condemn Israel and call out for Justice for Palestinians but they ignore
the rights of Israel to defend herself and to live on land rightfully her own.
They call for what they describe as an end to oppression and injustice by
Israel but refuse to address the oppression of Christians in Gaza or the
removal of Human rights of women and young men or the summary executions in
HAMAS governed areas. They don’t condemn the firing of 29,000 rockets which
have been fired at Israeli communities since 2000 or the suicide bombings which
are now being prevented by the security fence. They don’t address the
increasing teaching of hatred in Palestinian Arab schools. I could go on but I
think I have made my point.
Greenbelt are also
hosting a number of other speakers who are anti-Israel, one of whom Mark Braverman
who calls Zionism Racism. This conference attended by the big names in
Christianity such as Graham Kendrick and Steve chalk are inciting our youth to
hate in the same way as European Church leaders did in the years preceding the
Holocaust. This incitement is no less subtle and neither is it in any way less dangerous.
Picture -Greenbelt 2012--this is not a small meeting!!!!
The difference between
now and then is that we are not going to be rounded up and shot for standing
with Israel and speaking out when the rest of the Church is condemning her. So why aren’t we? In every genocide
there are victims, perpetrators, bystanders and rescuers. Many Christians in
Holocaust were classified as bystanders because of the real threat of being
murdered alongside Jews. So today why are many in the Christian community
bystanders when there is no threat except that of words from those fuelled by antisemtism?
We are conditioned
to believe that by attending a conference or a meeting held by a pro-Israel
speaker and giving our money to support such ministries that we are doing all
we can to help Israel. We are conditioned because this is how it has always
been done and we go home satisfied that we have done the work that God has
called us to do. We have actually become by-standers even by-sitters unless we
put the knowledge we gain from such meetings into real action. Why aren’t we
rallying at Greenbelt or New Wine or any anti-Israel meetings? Why aren’t we
gathering together to pray at such events and show these groups that their
teaching is heretical and inciting hatred.
The first part of
the definition of Hate Speech is “Speech which generates fear on the part of an
individual or group” I believe the Jewish community here in the UK are not as
much fearful of the anti-Israel meetings as they are of the apathy within Christendom
which allows these meetings to take place without a challenge.
I have written to
the BBC who will hold their Radio 2 good morning Sunday programme at Greenbelt
when this network is launched to point out that we will be attending because there
is another side to the story, but they have not replied. I know the Jewish
community have asked Greenbelt to allow them a speaker but that has been
As you know Fathers
House/Christians for Zion is taking a bus from North Wales to the Greenbelt event
on 25th but I am only aware of one other group who is joining us and
that is a car full of passionate believers from Northamptonshire. I am however
aware that if there is a Charismatic speaker at a conference in London or
Manchester the meeting will be full. Why is this the case, it easier to sit in
a conference and enjoy the meeting and do nothing except listen. Is it also because
Greenbelt are launching this on a Sunday and all the Israel supporters will be
in Church on a Sunday and unable to attend? Is it because it is too far? Is it
because it takes us out of our comfort zone? If so then we have become
The launch of the
Kairos Britain Network a week on Sunday will, I am sure, see many Churches join
but few if any in the conference will oppose it. Britain can only boast of 13
who are considered Righteous Amongst the Nations (those who rescued Jews during
the War) compared with such as 4,767 in the Netherlands and we in Britain did
little to help Jews escape the terrors. I know God wants us to help the Jewish
people, in fact Yeshua encourages us to do so in Mathew 25 when He says, and
you visited me in prison, clothed, fed and helped me because you did it for one
of these my family.
Ezekiel 36 makes it
very clear that God is gathering the Jews back to the land He promised them,
not for their sake, the scripture points out, but for His Holy name. Greenbelt
and their speakers are denying Gods Holy name and the people within our Nation
are being blinded by such organisations from seeing God in action and being
faithful to all His promises.
Please, please, whatever
you are doing on Sunday 25th August, join us at the Greenbelt
meeting, write to BBC radio 2 tell your friends pass on this plea and become
rescuers not bysitters.
For more
information or to join with us at Greenbelt please mail me through the Web sites.
We will be there at about 11am and would be really blessed to see you.
Pastor Michael
I would join Mike in encouraging you to put your faith into action, get on the bus to Cheltenham and pray for Israel and her opponents on 25th. if you have never done anything like this before you will be with others who are of like mind and Spirit so there is no need to be afraid. If we lived in Gaza at the moment and wanted to put forward our support for God and His chosen people THEN we would need to be afraid. This is to be a positive action. Do please join us and make your love for God's unchangeable Word known.
ReplyDeleteThere is a saying "The pen is mightier than the sword". Please write letters to support Israel, whenever you see or hear anti-Israel propaganda. Letters ARE important and have to be read! If you cannot get to Cheltenham to show your support for God's chosen people, then please, please, write to the BBC or to the organisers of Greenbelt and tell the 'other side of the story'