There are many Christians who are asking the question do I
stay in my Church when my pastor is so opposed to Israel and there is so much
opposition to the words of the prophets. I don't advocate leaving a Church
without finding a new fellowship but in most areas now you will find pro-Israel
Churches or small groups who pray and support Israel. You will see from my
previous blogs that I have written allot about being in fellowship and the need
to be part of an active body of believers. However if your pastor or Clergyman doesn't believe in the Prophecies in Scripture regarding Israel then you can't follow him. The following
may help you decide what you should do and why.
Many within Christendom are trying to raise awareness of the
troubling statistics which show that antisemitism is rearing its ugly head
again in Europe in the same way that it did in the years preceding the
Holocaust. There are however major differences. In Europe prior to the
Holocaust it was the Political leaders who were creating laws which were
removing the rights of the Jews. It was an antisemitism, which although was
fuelled by Christian hatred of Jews, was not led by Christianity. Christianity
became one of the tools Hitler used to enable the mass murder of innocent
people. The Nazi party called for boycotts, for isolation Policies against Jews
and for their human rights to be removed.
Today, although there are some exceptions, Politicians are
not calling for boycotts, or for the rights of Jews to be removed, the Church
is sharing this offensive with Islam. We have seen calls by Church leaders to
boycott Israeli companies, or companies who do business with Israel to be
boycotted. The Methodist Church has travelled that antisemitic road and now the
Church of Scotland is following with statements denying Israel’s Biblical and
Human rights. We must not forget that the Church of England divested funds from
JCB because its machines were used by Israeli soldiers and some clergy within
the C of E are still advocating boycotts. I suspect the Church in Wales will be
next. Who are these so called Christian leaders and what are their beliefs? Are
they Christian? Do they believe in the Word of God? Do they teach the
prophecies of Daniel, Isaiah and others through to John in Revelation? Or are
they following another spiritual religious path which endangers
Judeo/Christianity and the human rights of the Jewish people.
Theosophy is a Religious and Spiritual movement founded by
Helena Blavatsky in the late 1800’s and on which she initiated the first
meeting of the Parliament of World Religions. She taught the idea that all ways
lead to God but that Judea/Christian values, as given to us through scripture,
are now obsolete. She taught that we are now living a post Christian era and
that the Bible is not the true written authority for all mankind. Theosophists today
teach and claim a higher spiritual knowledge which transcends the divine
regulations given to us through the word of God. Blavatsky denied the teachings of the Bible
given to us by the Jewish people and taught to us Gentiles by the early Jewish
Apostles. Blavatsky wrote that “Judaism was a religion of hate and malice
toward everything outside itself”. She
was also opposed to fundamental Christianity for the same reason.
I have been teaching recently that the so called “Emerging
Church” of America led by men and women who have their spiritual roots in
theosophy rather than in Judeo/Christianity are not in fact Christian at all
but are preying on thousands of young Christians. When they call themselves
Christian but are so far removed from the Biblical tenets of our faith we must
ask, how they can be Christian? The leaders from this movement do not only
threaten the very core of our beliefs but like their founders in theosophy are
anti-Semitic in that they seek the destruction not only of Judaism the root of
Christianity itself and despise the very idea that Israel has the right to
defend her citizens, a right they would afford to other nations. My advice,
when exposing such leaders is not to try to unravel their theology and argue
its values, as we do if we see them as truly Christian, but to realise that
they are trying to abrogate our Theology and beliefs because they are not
In the United Kingdom we have leaders within Christianity
who are now reporting that the promises given to the Jewish people particularly
but not solely concerning the land of Israel, are not everlasting or for the
Jewish people of today. What they are
saying is that God has broken His covenant with Israel and does not intend to
fulfil His promises to them. In other words the promises are obsolete. They are
in making these false claims advocating that Christians should align themselves
with Islam and support tyrannical governments in the Middle East in opposition
to the writings of the Prophets including John the Apostle. Leaders within
Christianity are today making statements which abrogate the very words and
promises of God given through the Prophets.
They do so in the name of Social Justice for Palestinians
but they also know that ordinary Palestinians have no Justice under the
governance of Hamas or Fatah. Leaders within Christendom who defend accusations
that the Muslim Brotherhood are not a danger to Copt Christians in Egypt or who
say that Christians in Gaza are protected by Hamas clearly have motives which
are rooted in the ideas, promulgated by theosophists. The idea that
Judea/Christian Values are not current and that Israel and her supporters are a
threat to world peace is a theosophist’s doctrine not Christian. This is the
Christian anti-Zionist message and has to be seen in terms which separate it
from true Christianity into a religion which is more aligned to Theosophy than
Christianity. To teach that Christians should support groups like the Muslim
Brotherhood who repeat that they will never accept a Jewish State in the Middle
East is a clear sign that these leaders are ardent opponents of Scripture.
The “Palestinianisation” of Yeshua (Jesus) bound to the idea
that the Palestinian people are being crucified by the Jews, is a twist on the
antisemitism of the early Church who accused the Jews of Killing Christ and is
being used by Church leaders and within Islamic. Islam has always been the
strongest opponent of Christianity and with the threat of Islam becoming the
prominent religion of Europe by the end of the twenty first century, according
to Professor Bernard Lewis an eminent authority on Islam, why would leaders
within Christendom stand alongside Islamists who call for the destruction of
As we expose the Christian antisemitism of the years prior
to the Holocaust those anti-Semites within Church leadership try to expunge
that memory by creating the view that the Palestinian is the new Jew and that
the Jews are the new Nazi’s. These same leaders accuse Biblical Christian
Zionists, when speaking about Holocaust; of using the Holocaust to defend the
State of Israel. They clearly don’t want Christendom to learn the lessons of
We have to acknowledge that those who teach against the prophecies of God, those who oppose Israel in favour of another Arab state, those who deny the oppression of ordinary Palestinian people by Hamas and Fatah, in order to pursue their goal of denying Israel her human rights are not bible believing Christians. So who are they, are they Theosophists or are they simply anti-Semites.
Theosophy is in part antisemitic and is spreading throughout
Christendom destroying our beliefs, our calling and our understanding of the
promises of God and who God is. If you are sitting under such teachers don’t
try and argue using the Bible as they don’t believe it. You must get out and
join with a fellowship which is being led by a Bible believing pastor or you
will be dragged along a path which God has not set for you and which will lead
you to become an enemy of God and the people He calls the Apple of His
Michael Fryer
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