This week the United Kingdom have seen a remarkable move
towards the redefining of marriage. This means that same sex couples will be
able marry under the Marriage Act if it receives Royal Assent. How did this
change happen bearing in mind that it is so opposed to the word of God.The two
houses in Parliament, the Commons who proposed and voted in favour of the
legislation passed it through to the House of Lords who again voted in
agreement with the House of Commons and now the proposed legislation will go to
the Queen to be given Royal Assent.
There are 26 bishops of the Church of England who sit in
the House of Lords. These are known as the Lords Spiritual. At the start of the
day they read prayers and play a full and active role in the life and work of
the House of Lords. Since 11th Century Christian leaders have had an
active role in the legislative affairs of the country. In the 14th century,
religious leaders and landed gentry formed the 'Upper House'- the Lords. In the
early Church there were no Bishops and no House of Lords only the House of God
made up of Elders and those with particular giftings -teachers, pastors,
prophets, evangelists and apostles who ministered equally alongside each other
for the work of God. They kept and taught the Laws of God and as Paul
emphasized in Romans Chapter 3 v 31 upheld the Laws of God.
It was Ignatius of Antioch a Gentile believer in Yeshua
who between 103 to 107 AD introduced the idea of one elevated Elder who would
be called a Bishop and this position according to Ignatius would hold ultimate
power. He wrote “we should regard the Bishop as The Lord Himself “ He said we should do
nothing without the Bishop and we should look upon him as a type of Father.
Ignatius was of the opinion that the Bishop would follow and protect the word
of God from false teachers. That of course went awfully wrong when under
Constantine who appointed his own Bishops changed many of the Laws of God
leaving the Church in the position it is today compromising with the state.
There is no doubt the Church has compromised with the non
religious leaders of this country and have allowed this Bill on Marriage to go
forward for Royal Assent. I was with a friend last evening who is well read and
has a real understanding of the Politics of our Nation. He raised the point
that if the Queen is the defender of our Faith, then will she give her
approval. If she does, he says she will be opposing her position as defender of
our faith because it is clear that the Bible opposes the sexual union of same
sex couples. I do however think that she will give her assent.
The book
of Hebrews states “Marriage should be honoured by all, and the marriage bed
kept pure”Hebrews 13:4. So how
did we reach a situation in which Parliament defines what Marriage is. In the sixteenth century the Church
was concerned about what they referred to as clandestine marriages (marriages
not conducted or under the authority of the Church). To deal with this the
twenty fourth session of the Council of Trent 1545-1563 set out decrees in
regard to marriage. This session decreed that marriages could only be valid if
conducted by a priest and at least two witnesses. There had to be parental
consent and at least three weeks’ notice given to the community of the proposed
marriage. This brought marriage under the control of the Church with all
its non biblical traditions.
Here in
the United Kingdom the Marriage Act 1753 was put on the Statute books. This was
also known as "An Act for the Better Preventing of Clandestine
Marriage" and that is exactly what it was created to prevent. This Act had
been preceded by Canon Law within the Protestant Church and the marriage Act
of 1753 was the first secular legislation concerning Marriage.
In 1753
Philip Yorke, 1st Earl of Hardwicke, then
Lord Chancellor promoted the bill that required all marriages to be conducted
in a Church of England Parish Church and that banns should be called for three
consecutive Sundays in that Church prior to the marriage. The only exceptions
were Jews and Quakers who were permitted to conduct their own valid marriage
services. Other groups, including Roman Catholics and Dissenters were required
to marry in the Church of England though many then went to their own churches
for a second ceremony.
See my blog
The Church in Scotland in recent weeks has not only proved
its antisemitic nature but has also made known that it will ordain practicing
Homosexual clergy. The Bishops in the Church of Scotland will ordain people who
are in sin. This coupled with the pathetic and non passionate opposition in The House of Lords to
the proposed Marriage Act by the Bishops is a clear message that we can no
longer be led by such men.
In many Scandinavian countries today there
are proposals for making circumcision illegal. On Tuesday
of this week a Newspaper in Norway published a cartoon which depicts the
circumcision of an infant, but the sinister-looking people carrying out the
ritual are actually cutting off the baby’s toes and stabbing his head with a
demonic-looking fork. On the right side of the cartoon, you see police arriving
on the scene, but after being assured that the practice is simply an expression
of religious belief, they leave. “Mistreating? No this is tradition, an
important part of our belief!” the woman is shown telling the
policemen.“Belief? Oh yes, then it is all right,” the officer responds while
the second policeman apologizes for the interference. The men in the cartoon
bear a striking resemblance to the hideous caricatures of Jews in classic
anti-Semitic cartoons, right down to their black garb and beards. And they are
holding books – ostensibly volumes of Torah – that are soaked in the blood of
the screaming child. Circumcision
is depicted in this cartoon as a form of mutilation and torture,
and the idea that there is a religious basis for the practice serves as the
cartoon’s punch-line, as if there are “beliefs” that call for cutting a baby’s
toes off with a bolt cutter. See
Absolutely correctly and
in defence of their faith the Jewish community around Europe and here in the
United Kingdom are verbal and in outrage about this. Not only because of the
antisemitic nature of this cartoon but because circumcision is a Biblical
command for them and is not harmful. We should be standing with them and
joining in their condemnation of the secular abuses of their faith. We don’t
because our leaders don’t defend what we believe. Why do our leaders not act
with the same passion?
I don’t believe we should be led by this non Biblical
leader the Bishop. Church leaders should not be in bed with the secular
Politicians and compromising with secular thinking or legislation. We as Bible
believing Christians must step out of this system completely-it is not Godly
and historically as it is doing today is leading into unrighteousness. Let us
not forget that throughout history Bishops led the people into antisemitism
caused many Christians to believe that God had finished with the Jews and that
the Church was the new Israel. Many Bishops in Europe fueled the hatred which
resulted in the Holocaust and Bishops today have compromised and used
politically correct language to prevent them from being the voice or fathers of
our Faith.
We now have a situation whereby under the Canon 62 of Clerical Subscriptions Act revised in 1887 and 1934 the times of Marriage are limited but not who can be married. The Act of Supremacy 1534 gave parliament the right to decide what constitutes Heresy. The Bible shows the Bishops what constitutes Heresy. Sadly many Bishops consider that the statutes of Parliament have supremacy over the Bible.
Isaiah 61 verse
10 says “I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God. For he
has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of
righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride
adorns herself with her jewels”.
Can we really
say that we are if we follow the unrighteous.??????????
Michael Fryer
I have just received this;The Church of England has announced that it will no longer fight the same sex 'marriage' Bill.
ReplyDeleteStatement from the Bishop of Leicester
The statement was made by the Bishop of Leicester, who is the Convenor of the Lords Spiritual. He said:
“Both Houses of Parliament have now expressed a clear view by large majorities on the principle that there should be legislation to enable same-sex marriages to take place in England and Wales.
“It is now the duty and responsibility of the Bishops who sit in the House of Lords to recognise the implications of this decision and to join with other members in the task of considering how this legislation can be put into better shape...
“If this bill is to become law, it is crucial that marriage as newly defined is equipped to carry within it as many as possible of the virtues of the understanding of marriage it will replace.
“Our focus during committee and report stages in the coming weeks and months will be to address those points in a spirit of constructive engagement."
Choose this day whom you will serve. As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD ( not the Lords!)