Thursday, June 27, 2013

A Memorable Christian Zionist

Israel has just celebrated her 65th Birthday and in doing so remembered the amazing work of the early Zionists, the most famous of whom was Theodor Herzl. Herzl a journalist had covered a trial in France involving Captain Alfred Dreyfus a young French artillery officer who in 1894 was wrongly convicted of passing on military secrets. Herzl realised from the anti-Semitic nature of the trial that it was not safe for the Jews of Europe and he began the Zionist movement. 
Herzl wrote;           
We have sincerely tried everywhere to merge with the national communities in which we live, seeking only to preserve the faith of our fathers. It is not permitted to us. In vain are we loyal patriots, sometimes super-loyal. In vain do we make the same sacrifices of life and property as our fellow citizens? In vain do we strive to enhance the fame of our native lands in the arts and sciences, or her wealth by trade and commerce. In our native lands, where we have lived for centuries, we are still decried as aliens, often by men whose ancestors had not yet come, at a time when Jewish sighs had long been heard in the country.

It was clear that after nearly two thousand years God was moving to fulfil His numerous promises that He would gather His people, the Jews, back to The Land of Israel. By doing so it would make sense that He would use, not only Jews to fulfil His promises but also Christians. There were many Christians who helped in the work of re-establishing the state of Israel between 1894 and 1948 none more important than Rev. William Henry Hechler a German Anglican Clergyman who was also a passionate Zionist and who came alongside Herzl in his Zionist vision and supported him in his work.

However I want to remind us all of the amazing contribution to the Zionist movement by Major General Orde Charles Wingate, who was a British Army officer known for creating special military units in Israel during the1930s.Orde Wingate who had spent his early years studying the Old Testament in the Plymouth Brethren was a passionate Zionist and a fully committed Christian. Wingate saw his support and work in the establishment of the state of Israel as both religious and moral and believed in every promise God had made the Jewish people.

In 1936 Wingate became a staff officer for the British Mandate and transferred to Israel where he became an intelligence officer. He saw the creation of a Jewish in Israel as being a religious duty toward the literal fulfilment of prophecy and he immediately put himself into alliance with Jewish political leaders. He later wrote;

“I thought about the Jewish problem and came to the conclusion that the only solution is the Zionist solution. Long before I reached Palestine I knew what the Jews were seeking, understood what they needed, sympathised with their aims, and knew they were right”.

During the few years prior to Wingate’s arrival in Israel the Jewish communities were under constant attack from the Arabs. In 1928 there were 590,000 Arabs living in the land and only 150,000 Jews who worked hard to create a living in the poorest of conditions. These communities were restricted from holding arms and were ill equipped to withstand Arab attacks. By giving you some examples of these Arab attacks you will understand Wingate’s difficulties in fulfilling his duties to both God and his country.

On 23rd August 1929 a thousand Arabs attacked any Jews who were found in the Old City. The British army refused to allow Jews to arm themselves or to set up any defences. By nightfall on that day 133 Jews had been murdered by the Arab mobs. On 24th August 1929, 23 Jews were slaughtered in one house in Hebron. Their bodies were dismembered and many other Jews in Hebron were tortured and maimed.   

During the 1030’s, as a result of Hitler gaining power, Jews fled to Israel and the population of Jews in Israel grew, but so did the violence against them and in May 1936 Arabs continued to kill Jews in terrorist attacks. These attacks involved not only the murder of Jews but also the destruction of their homes, crops and orchards. In that one month 21 Jews were killed and 6 Arabs. The Arabs were shot by Police and not one Arab was killed by Jews. In June, 7 Jews were murdered by Arabs who also destroyed 15,000 trees belonging to Jewish communities in an attempt to remove their livelihood. During July, August and September 33 Jews were killed and hundreds injured. The British army killed 100 Arabs who had killed 33 British soldiers. The Palestine Royal Commission reporting on this period wrote regarding the Jews that “under great provocation, they have shown a notable capacity for discipline and self-restraint”.  

You can see the difficulties Wingate faced when he was assigned to Israel but he believed that the poorly equipped Jewish community should be trained in defending itself and he set about training Jews to defend themselves by using guerrilla tactics. Yigal Yadin a future chief of Staff of the Israeli Army described the Jews who defended themselves from Arab attacks prior to Wingate’s input as;

“Amateurs who had little knowledge of the professional side of combat”

Wingate had a great deal to do and wrote;

“I count it as my privilege to help you fight your battle. To that purpose I want to devote my life. I believe that the very existence of mankind is justified when it is based on the moral foundation of the Bible”.

Orde Wingate created special night squads to pre-empt Arab attacks on Jewish communities and in doing so prevented the slaughter of many innocent Jewish communities. There are some who have no Biblical or a Christian understanding of Gods promises to the Jewish people and lack any real knowledge of the of the period who would suggest that Wingate himself was a terrorist but frankly that view is without substance. The truth is that Orde Wingate helped defend the Jewish communities of that period from violent Arab attacks and without men like him many more innocent Jewish men women and children would have been murdered.

The great Israeli military leader Moshe Dayan wrote of Wingate;

“I thought him a genius, an innovator and non-conformist. There were times when he would march on, driven by an iron will. He had an unshakable belief in the Bible. Before going on an action he would read the passage in the Bible relating to the places where he would be operating and finding testimony to our victory-the victory of God and the Jews”.

Between 1936 and 1939 Arab terrorists had murdered over 600 Jews and there can be no doubt at all that without the efforts and vision of Orde Wingate many more would have been murdered.
I want to conclude by saying that Orde Wingate was an amazing man of God who was clearly chosen by God for that very period in the fulfilment of Prophecy concerning the re-establishment of Israel. He was a Christian Zionist who gave God the Glory for his life and his abilities and should be remembered today in that way.

Note; for more information on the History of this period you should read “The Routledge Atlas of the Arab-Israeli Conflict” by the world’s most renowned historian on such matters Sir Martin Gilbert. ISBN 978-0-415-46029-3 Or,  for a further glimpse at the lives of more Christian Zionist British Military personnel of that period try Yanky Fachlers’s book “2 Lions,6 officers and 750 Mules” ISBN 9781908.417343.

May The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Bless you.

Michael Fryer

A Memorable Christian Zionist

Friday, June 21, 2013

Calling evil good and good evil

This week Richard Millet reported that Wigan's Labour MP Lisa Nandy (Shadow Minister for Children) attended a  meeting in the House of Commons and reported how she was disturbed by a recent visit to an Israeli military court, seeing how "Palestinian children were treated" and how they were found "guilty on flimsy evidence". She said there was "no justice in the (Israeli legal) system".
The meeting was commemorating one year since the publication of Children in Military Custody, a report compiled by nine lawyers on a UK Foreign Office funded trip to Judea and Samaria the West Bank. The nine lawyers reported on:
1. The formal differences affecting Palestinian and Israeli children respectively in Israel's criminal justice process and
2. The welfare of Palestinian child suspects.
The event this week was held to review whether the situation had improved for Palestinian child suspects since last year.  The meeting was attended and supported by Baroness Jenny Tongue who last year stated that “Israel will not be here forever”.
Richard Millet who attended the meeting and reported on the detail in his blog said that the main criticism was that Palestinian Arab children were being arrested late at night.
What the report didn’t say was that many of these “children” are in fact youths who have been attacking soldiers and Israeli civilians with stones, an action which the report considered “petty”. I was a Police Officer for over twenty Seven years and stone throwing in such a violent way is a serious offence here in the UK as the intent is to cause serious injury or death, as in the case of Asher Palmer, 25, and his 1-year-old son, Yehonatan, who were killed in 2011 when their car overturned near Kiryat Arba as a result of stone throwing.

In my experience arresting such youths late at night is the best way to prevent injury or further disturbances. Whilst on CID or the Drug Squad and Crime squads we needed to make arrests we would often do so in the early hours of the morning so that it could be carried out with the minimum of disturbance.
What the meeting in the Commons did not address is the detention of boys in Gaza who are now being detained by Hamas for having long hair and are being forced to have their heads shaved. Youths in Gaza are even being told what clothing they can wear. Children in Gaza are watching the bodies of so called Collaborators with Israel being dragged through the streets at the rear of motor cycles and over 100,000 boys aged between 12 years and 16 years are attending summer camps were they are being taught to kill and become suicide bombers and to kidnap Israeli soldiers.
Only last week a Senior Hamas official said “100,000 children are now registered to attend the various summer camps in Gaza this year. Ismail Haniyeh said the goal of the summertime activities is to instil children with values, strengthen their moral core and spread the spirit of Jihad”. (To struggle in a holy War). 
I don’t believe that there is no Justice in Israeli courts. Israel is a democratic country with the eyes of the world bearing down on every aspect of its society. As you can see they even allow foreign Politicians into their courts, would they do that if they were not following legal protocols? Israeli youths who are arrested for offences against Arabs are dealt with in the same way as Arab youths are. However what would happen in a Palestinian Arab court to an Israeli youth? I guarantee in a Gaza court he would be executed but would these Politicians have a meeting about that?   
There will always be those who hate Israel and who call good evil and evil good, who call stone throwing by violent youths petty but ignore the real problems for young people in Gaza. We can expect such things from certain Politicians who have their own agenda. What we shouldn’t accept is the abuse of children in Gaza in the form of brain washing and teaching them to hate and of course training young boys as young as twelve to kill.
I will end with the words of Isaiah who in Chapter 5 v 20 says “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter” AND Yeshua who says; how can you who are evil say anything good? For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. Matthew 12:34
 Shabbat Shalom            
Michael Fryer 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Who will speak out for Truth!!!

Throughout my working life as a Police Detective I experienced lies and deception in our society not only among criminals but also by those in authority who were charged with upholding Justice and Truth. When I retired and became a Community Counsellor and School Governor I thought that had been put behind me but again I found lies and deceit in the management of my County Council. I became a Christian Pastor and I thought again all that had gone only to find that much of our Church history is coloured by lies, deceit and violence. I have come to the conclusion that Gods Laws have been opposed throughout history and are still being opposed at every level and in every organisation within society.
Nothing changes as we see our Politicians continue with this theme by making false expense claims, cash for questions and lying. Their behaviour often makes us despair and when we talk to young people about their view of many of our Political leader’s in our society they speak of hopelessness asking if we can ever change society.
We all know that we cannot trust anyone but God and that by expecting integrity and honesty in many of our leaders is often a false hope. We really do need to pray for our leaders.
This week Patrick Mercer, Conservative MP for Newark, who is already involved in a corruption scandal has been recorded on Camera abusing an Israeli soldier by calling her a “Bloody Jew”. Mr Mercer made the remark to a BBC reporter posing as a lobbyist in the investigation.
Mr Mercer told the reporter that when entering an “intelligence establishment” during a recent Israel visit and facing a security guard he said “there was an 18-year-old girl, wearing a uniform, with her sort of hair in plaits, and crazy jewellery and open-toed sandals, with a rifle up my nose,” He said he asked her “Who the f**k are you, you know? ‘Well I’m a soldier.’ Are you? You don’t look like a soldier to me. You look like a bloody Jew,”
Mr Mercer is clearly antisemitic and should be dealt with by Parliament for the remarks he made. Many of us have written to our MP’s to ask for them to raise this matter in Parliament but our replies show that Parliament appears to be dealing with the corruption but not  the antisemitism which frankly is just as serious and particularly to the young soldier .
So who is actually speaking out and demanding truth in our Government. Well you may say the twenty Six Bishops of The House of Lords would be the voice of truth in Parliament. Not so!!! The House of Commons and The House of Lords have just debated the proposed legislation for same sex marriage. In The Lords some of Bishops raised mute objections to the Act going through Parliament but I didn’t hear any strong words of opposition based on the truth of Scripture. I can only describe the arguments I heard from a minority of the Bishops who opposed the Bill as a recital of political correctness and apathetic regard to The Word of God. I heard no passionate arguments for Scripture to be considered and I heard nothing which could even remotely be compared to the writings in the Gospels or any of Paul’s letters. The sermons of Passionate Church leaders of the early years of last century leave the watered down speeches of our Bishops on this matter standing. Men who are called to be advocates of God failed to deliver on truth and failed to inspire any true Christian to follow them.    
These men would argue all day long that the non scriptural position of Bishop should not be taken by women who in Biblical terms were ministers just as much as men in the first century (Junia-Great amongst the Apostles-Romans 16 v 7). They however refused to argue for scripture last week and on Friday issued the following statement through the Bishop of Leicester, who is the Convenor of the Lords Spiritual;
“Both Houses of Parliament have now expressed a clear view by large majorities on the principle that there should be legislation to enable same-sex marriages to take place in England and Wales.
“It is now the duty and responsibility of the Bishops who sit in the House of Lords to recognise the implications of this decision and to join with other members in the task of considering how this legislation can be put into better shape”
This means they will compromise with sin and work with the secular Politicians on the Biblical principal of marriage.
The issue for me is not the matter of Same Sex marriage, although I am totally opposed to that. I also don’t believe we should be married under the Laws of man but under Gods laws, which are not in any statute in Parliament but in the Bible. My issue is that those charged with the duty to speak out don’t and if you can’t do so as a Christian leader then you are in the wrong ministry.
In our congregation in position as an elder we have the granddaughter of an amazing man of God, Charles Buckley, who ministered with Smith Wigglesworth. Our lady elder is small petite and gentle in Spirit. She serves tirelessly in every role from the kitchen to making spiritually important decisions in the Church and does so humbly and with such Grace. She takes into her home those who need comfort and she is a true example of a Christian leader. She is passionate for the word of God and if that is ever disregarded she is fearless in her advocacy for truth and not afraid of man or political correctness. This is the type of Christian we are called to be and it is a shame the Bishops don’t follow such as this Elder.    
This leads me to my final point which is that of the situation The Church finds itself in regarding Israel and her right to exist and to defend herself. In the early part of last century Christian men and women prayed fought for and risked all to help the establishment of Israel. Balfour, Shaftsbury, Lt. Colonel John Henry Patterson,  Jabotinsky, Wingate,  Rees Howells and so many others stood out of the crowd and in faith in Gods promises to the Jews and spoke out valiantly with passion for the re-establishment of Israel as the promised homeland for the Jewish people.
Today we hear of Churches speaking out against Israel, Churches calling for a Palestinian state, individual Church leaders calling for Boycotts. These men and women are speaking against the very word of God. Who then do we rely on in our government to be a voice against these heresies? We can’t rely on our Bishops to stand up for simple truths, never mind stand up for the amazing prophecies concerning Israel. So we all need to stand up and be counted.
We can be encouraged that in all this there are the prophecies that show us that one day there will be a Government in Jerusalem under the leadership of the Messiah who will not allow anyone to break the laws of God. The nation of Israel will be a voice for the word of God and with their Messiah ensure that Gods word will be kept in spirit and truth as we should be doing today. Micah 4 verse 2 says “The law will go out from Zion, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem so let us get some practice in now and speak out for the Laws of God because if we don’t our leaders certainly won’t.

Michael Fryer

Friday, June 7, 2013

Bishops are not passionate about Gods Laws

 This week the United Kingdom have seen a remarkable move towards the redefining of marriage. This means that same sex couples will be able marry under the Marriage Act if it receives Royal Assent. How did this change happen bearing in mind that it is so opposed to the word of God.The two houses in Parliament, the Commons who proposed and voted in favour of the legislation passed it through to the House of Lords who again voted in agreement with the House of Commons and now the proposed legislation will go to the Queen to be given Royal Assent.      
There are 26 bishops of the Church of England who sit in the House of Lords. These are known as the Lords Spiritual. At the start of the day they read prayers and play a full and active role in the life and work of the House of Lords. Since 11th Century Christian leaders have had an active role in the legislative affairs of the country. In the 14th century, religious leaders and landed gentry formed the 'Upper House'- the Lords. In the early Church there were no Bishops and no House of Lords only the House of God made up of Elders and those with particular giftings -teachers, pastors, prophets, evangelists and apostles who ministered equally alongside each other for the work of God. They kept and taught the Laws of God and as Paul emphasized in Romans Chapter 3 v 31 upheld the Laws of God. 
It was Ignatius of Antioch a Gentile believer in Yeshua who between 103 to 107 AD introduced the idea of one elevated Elder who would be called a Bishop and this position according to Ignatius would hold ultimate power. He wrote “we should regard the Bishop as The Lord Himself “   He said we should do nothing without the Bishop and we should look upon him as a type of Father. Ignatius was of the opinion that the Bishop would follow and protect the word of God from false teachers. That of course went awfully wrong when under Constantine who appointed his own Bishops changed many of the Laws of God leaving the Church in the position it is today compromising with the state.
There is no doubt the Church has compromised with the non religious leaders of this country and have allowed this Bill on Marriage to go forward for Royal Assent. I was with a friend last evening who is well read and has a real understanding of the Politics of our Nation. He raised the point that if the Queen is the defender of our Faith, then will she give her approval. If she does, he says she will be opposing her position as defender of our faith because it is clear that the Bible opposes the sexual union of same sex couples. I do however think that she will give her assent.
The book of Hebrews states “Marriage should be honoured by all, and the marriage bed kept pure”Hebrews 13:4. So how did we reach a situation in which Parliament defines what Marriage is. In the sixteenth century the Church was concerned about what they referred to as clandestine marriages (marriages not conducted or under the authority of the Church). To deal with this the twenty fourth session of the Council of Trent 1545-1563 set out decrees in regard to marriage. This session decreed that marriages could only be valid if conducted by a priest and at least two witnesses. There had to be parental consent and at least three weeks’ notice given to the community of the proposed marriage.  This brought marriage under the control of the Church with all its non biblical traditions.

Here in the United Kingdom the Marriage Act 1753 was put on the Statute books. This was also known as "An Act for the Better Preventing of Clandestine Marriage" and that is exactly what it was created to prevent. This Act had been preceded by Canon Law within the Protestant Church and the marriage Act of 1753 was the first secular legislation concerning Marriage.

In 1753 Philip Yorke, 1st Earl of Hardwicke, then Lord Chancellor promoted the bill that required all marriages to be conducted in a Church of England Parish Church and that banns should be called for three consecutive Sundays in that Church prior to the marriage. The only exceptions were Jews and Quakers who were permitted to conduct their own valid marriage services. Other groups, including Roman Catholics and Dissenters were required to marry in the Church of England though many then went to their own churches for a second ceremony.

The Church in Scotland in recent weeks has not only proved its antisemitic nature but has also made known that it will ordain practicing Homosexual clergy. The Bishops in the Church of Scotland will ordain people who are in sin. This coupled with the pathetic and non passionate opposition in The House of Lords to the proposed Marriage Act by the Bishops is a clear message that we can no longer be led by such men.  
In many Scandinavian countries today there are proposals for making circumcision illegal.  On Tuesday of this week a Newspaper in Norway published a cartoon which depicts the circumcision of an infant, but the sinister-looking people carrying out the ritual are actually cutting off the baby’s toes and stabbing his head with a demonic-looking fork. On the right side of the cartoon, you see police arriving on the scene, but after being assured that the practice is simply an expression of religious belief, they leave. “Mistreating? No this is tradition, an important part of our belief!” the woman is shown telling the policemen.“Belief? Oh yes, then it is all right,” the officer responds while the second policeman apologizes for the interference. The men in the cartoon bear a striking resemblance to the hideous caricatures of Jews in classic anti-Semitic cartoons, right down to their black garb and beards. And they are holding books – ostensibly volumes of Torah – that are soaked in the blood of the screaming child. Circumcision is depicted in this cartoon as a form of mutilation and torture, and the idea that there is a religious basis for the practice serves as the cartoon’s punch-line, as if there are “beliefs” that call for cutting a baby’s toes off with a bolt cutter. See

Absolutely correctly and in defence of their faith the Jewish community around Europe and here in the United Kingdom are verbal and in outrage about this. Not only because of the antisemitic nature of this cartoon but because circumcision is a Biblical command for them and is not harmful. We should be standing with them and joining in their condemnation of the secular abuses of their faith. We don’t because our leaders don’t defend what we believe. Why do our leaders not act with the same passion?  
I don’t believe we should be led by this non Biblical leader the Bishop. Church leaders should not be in bed with the secular Politicians and compromising with secular thinking or legislation. We as Bible believing Christians must step out of this system completely-it is not Godly and historically as it is doing today is leading into unrighteousness. Let us not forget that throughout history Bishops led the people into antisemitism caused many Christians to believe that God had finished with the Jews and that the Church was the new Israel. Many Bishops in Europe fueled the hatred which resulted in the Holocaust and Bishops today have compromised and used politically correct language to prevent them from being the voice or fathers of our Faith.
We now have a situation whereby under the Canon 62 of Clerical Subscriptions Act revised in 1887 and 1934 the times of Marriage are limited but not who can be married. The Act of Supremacy 1534 gave parliament the right to decide what constitutes Heresy. The Bible shows the Bishops what constitutes Heresy. Sadly many Bishops consider that the statutes of Parliament  have supremacy over the Bible.        
Isaiah 61 verse 10 says “I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God. For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels”.

Can we really say that we are if we follow the unrighteous.??????????

Michael Fryer

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Sunday Seminars-The Day of The Lord

I am about to begin a series of four Sunday seminars at Fathers House on the subject of the Day of The Lord, the False Messiah and the end times. I have already taught within the congregation for eighteen hours on the personality of the False Messiah and have identified many traits within his Character which are clearly manifested in the Church.

This series begins on Sunday 9th June at Fathers House and is open to anyone who has an interest in what will happen in the future. This period in the future culminates in a period described in Scripture as “The day of The Lord”. Many within Christendom believe we are living in the day of The Lord, not so, this day has not yet come and is seen in scripture as a day of Judgment followed by a thousand years reign of The Lord known as the Millennium.
How will this day manifest itself upon the earth?

 Isaiah 13 verses 6-9 says;

 Wail, for the day of the Lord is near; it will come like destruction from the Almighty. Because of this, all hands will go limp, every man's heart will melt. Terror will seize them, pain and anguish will grip them; they will writhe like a woman in labour. They will look aghast at each other, their faces aflame. See, the day of the Lord is coming— a cruel day, with wrath and fierce anger— to make the land desolate and destroy the sinners within it.

This is certainly not the way many Churches describe the coming of The Lord and those Churches who say that we are now living in the “New Testament” times would certainly dismiss these words from Isaiah. However Yeshua quotes Isaiah and many of the prophecies written in the books of the prophets are yet to come. Paul also warns us about this day when in I Thessalonians 5 verses 1-4 he tells the Thessalonians that they should not be surprised about that time.

 Now, brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to you,  for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.  While people are saying, "Peace and safety", destruction will come on them suddenly, as labour pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.  But you, brothers, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief.

The Church in the West appears to be in darkness about this day because many pastors, teachers and leaders refuse to teach from the book of Revelation or Daniel or look at scriptures concerning the end times. They are in real error because it is the most serious time the world will ever have experienced. Does this day just affect one nation or one people-no not at all? 

All Nations will be affected as Obadiah, Joel, Yeshua and many other prophets make very clear;

“The day of the Lord is near for all nations”. Obadiah 1:15

“I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will enter into judgment against them concerning my inheritance, my people Israel “Joel 3:2 "When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. Matt 25:31-33

These prophecies concern a Judgment upon the nations and that Judgment is in regard to their behaviour towards Israel and the covenant God gave to the Jews through Abraham.  Does your pastor teach about these things? Does he warn the flock against their behaviour towards Israel? Does he help you identify the False Messiah described by Daniel, John and Paul?
God gave these scriptures to us through the prophets many of whom were tortured because of the message. Why because they are warnings to the nations and satan doesn't want the Nations to be warned. Who are the ones called to warn the nations now? You and I. So please join me at these seminars and learn how to be a true prophet to the church and the nations in these times.

This scripture in Jeremiah demonstrates the seriousness of our call today in readiness for The Lords Day;

'The Lord will roar from on high; he will thunder from his holy dwelling and roar mightily against his land. He will shout like those who tread the grapes, shout against all who live on the earth. 31 The tumult will resound to the ends of the earth, for the Lord will bring charges against the nations; he will bring judgment on all mankind and put the wicked to the sword,' " declares the Lord.
32 This is what the Lord Almighty says:
"Look! Disaster is spreading from nation to nation; a mighty storm is rising from the ends of the earth."

33 At that time those slain by the Lord will be everywhere—from one end of the earth to the other. They will not be mourned or gathered up or buried, but will be like refuse lying on the ground. Jeremiah 25:30-33

Please join me next Sunday and on 7th July, 15th September and 3rd November to learn more.

Every Blessing in Yeshua

Michael Fryer