Thursday, October 10, 2013

We really are in trouble

This week I placed a news item on the Christians for Zion Web site concerning an organisation called Medical Aid for Palestinians which has launched a campaign in the United Kingdom which misinforms and incites hatred towards Israel. During September the campaign was centred in Oxford. It is believed that MAP have distributed over 50,000 leaflets to resident’s homes apart from advertisements being placed in the local press. The campaign has alleged that Israel refuses Palestinians Arabs from Gaza receiving medical aid in Israel. That there are over 500 checkpoints preventing movement of Palestinian Arabs and that Israel refuses to allow fuel in to Gaza. They make other allegations which are also untrue. What is more disturbing is that Baroness Morris of Bolton who is the president of MAP is also the Governments Trade envoy to the Palestinian Territories should know that the allegations which MAP make are untrue.

There are some facts which we all know are true and cannot reasonably be opposed. I think all of us know that the Security barrier was erected to prevent suicide bombings which were executed by terrorists entering Bars and Restaurants and on public transport. I have experience with such killings and know victims who are still suffering. The barrier is their only defence. Before the security barrier, in 2002, 47 terror attacks left 452 Israeli civilians dead. Such attacks have been known to include the use of ambulances to conceal and transport terrorist weapons. See the film at this link to understand how important it is to have a security fence.

We all should know that Israeli hospitals treat patients without regard to nationality and religion.  Although we may not know the detail which is that in May of this year 30% of the child patients in Hadassah Hospital Jerusalem are Palestinian Arabs. The hospital is currently training 60 Palestinian physicians who will be returning to the West Bank to care for their community. Israeli Hospitals treated nearly 220,000 Palestinian Arabs in 2012, including Suhila Abd el-Salam, the sister of the Hamas Prime Minister in Gaza. Reports show that Israel do all they can to facilitate the entry of Palestinian Arab patients from Gaza for medical treatment in Israeli hospitals. 91.5% of the applications for medical treatment in Israel were approved, 7.2% were pending security check and only 1.3% of the applications were rejected. There are many examples of Hamas punishing Gaza's citizens over its Political disagreements with Fatah by refusing to allow citizens to receive medical treatment in Israel. The EU has commented on a number of occasions that Palestinian policies, not only make it harder for Palestinians to access Israeli hospitals, but they even damage Palestinian hospitals. The EU condemns Hamas for its role in worsening the humanitarian situation of the Palestinians in Gaza. Patients from Gaza continue to enter Israel through the Erez Crossing for medical treatment. MAP omits to mention that shortages of medical supplies, to the extent there is one, is due suppliers being reluctant to sell to Gaza since there are issues with non-payment. I have been an observer at this crossing and can only witness to Israel’s co-operation and courtesy with the Palestinian Arabs entering and leaving Gaza.

In 2011 Hamas elected to discontinue the purchase of fuel from Israel for Gaza’s power plant. We must also not forget such incidents as the murder of two Israeli’s as they were in the process of supplying fuel to Gaza in September 2008 at the Nahal Oz fuel terminal.
My question is why does someone like Baroness Morris of Bolton, who clearly has professional responsibility in Israel for trade, does she allow her Charity, for which she is president, to distribute lies.

I can’t answer that because I don’t know her and have not asked her to explain but I do have an explanation from Tony Laurence CBE who is he CEO of MAP and he states that the “Separation Wall and other Barriers are an intolerable impediment to the wellbeing of Palestinian civilians who have been living under occupation for 46 years- People who have much right to health as someone living in Oxford or anywhere for that matter”. Do you think that someone who has expertise in the area would know that the Israeli’s suffered indescribably by the suicide bombings which the security barrier prevents. Does he think that Israeli’s have no right to defend themselves.

If a Charity such as MAP, headed up by a member of The House of Lords, misleads the public to believe that Israel are not helping the ordinary Palestinian Arabs when  they are we in the UK really are in trouble.

Michael Fryer

Thursday, October 3, 2013

I have, over the last few weeks, become increasingly aware of the off the cuff statements some make that Israel is an Apartheid state. I have had a number of conversations during which I find myself speaking against this unfounded allegation. The root of this is often a lack of knowledge coupled with an exposure to antisemitic rhetoric from various sources including Media and sadly some Christian organisations.

In 2008 Rev Samuel Kobia the General secretary of World Council of Churches which claims to represent over 500 million Christians worldwide compared the current Middle East conflict to "another apartheid situation” he also accused Israel of being an occupying force.

In 2009 the Kairos Palestine document a "cry of hope" called for the world to "stand by the Palestinian people who have faced oppression, displacement, suffering and clear apartheid for more than six decades". Other Anti-Israel Christian organisations supported and promulgated this message and today that false accusation has spread as a form of demonising Israel.

Standing with Israel means we look first of all at the Biblical principles and then look at any facts which may support the outworking of those principles. Let us remember that it was through the Jews the descendants of Abraham that God gave a command to give a higher regard for your neighbour than yourself (Exodus 20 & Mark 12 v 31). The command you shall not oppress the alien in your land (Exodus 22 v 21) was another such message given by God and there are many more.

Apartheid however is a contrary position to these commands so the question must be asked –does Israel practice a lifestyle opposite to the lifestyle they were commanded to follow by God. International Law defines apartheid as establishing and maintaining an institutionalised regime of oppression by one racial group over another. This definition fully encompassed apartheid in South Africa in which a small minority of whites subjected the majority black population to severe political, economic, and social discrimination. They could not be citizens, vote, or participate in the government, and they were segregated in every aspect of daily life.

In Israel’s own  declaration of Independence in 1948 it is written that Israel “will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture.” So can we also ask the question does Israel not only break the commands of God but its own Political promises.

Israel’s social diversity is amazing and people from Africa, Asia, Europe, the Americas, and the Middle East, Muslim, Christian and others have their liberty, equality, freedom from discrimination, and freedom of religion protected by law. Israel’s 25% non-Jewish minority has equal voting and political rights. Arab Israelis were elected to the first Israeli Parliament in 1949 and have since won as many as 14 seats in a single election. Of these some hold important positions in the government, court system, and the military. Arabs and other non-Jews have attained high positions in the government including Deputy Speaker, Acting President, and member of the Prime Minister’s cabinet, Ambassador, and Consul General. In 2011 the Arab-Israeli Supreme Court Justice Salim Joubran sat as judge in a case against former Israeli president Moshe Katsav and convicted him of misconduct. Israeli Druze, Bedouins, and Arabs fight in the Israeli Defence Forces and have attained ranks as high as Major General.

Between 1967 and 2000 Israel built water and the electricity Infrastructure in Gaza for the Palestinian Arabs when prior to that Egypt, who governed the area, did nothing. Israel raised the quality of living for Palestinian Arabs in Gaza. Christians in Gaza were respected and flourished but now Gaza is governed by HAMAS the Christian community is vastly reduced due to emigration caused by oppression.

I have visited Israel many times and have observed the behaviour of Jews towards Arabs, I have listened to the stories of victims of Palestinian Suicide bombers and have experienced the mixed cultures but never once heard or seen anything remotely like apartheid. How many of those who accuse Israel of apartheid policies have been served by very happy Arab waiters in Israeli owned restaurants or have travelled in Taxi’s being driven by Arab drivers who often charge more than Israeli drivers, or considered that Israeli drivers are not allowed to take you into Arab areas. How many of those critics have been to the hospitals caring for Palestinian Arab patients. Maybe it would be a good thing for these very same critics to visit the medical centres in the north of Israel who are treating both military and civilian casualties of the war in Syria. In all my interviews with Israeli’s who have been traumatised by the 29,000 fired at them from Gaza in the last thirteen years, I have never heard hatred towards the Palestinian Arabs.

The accusation that the security fence and checkpoints are symbols of apartheid is absurd.  When Palestinians launched the second Intifada and the suicide bombing campaign against Israeli civilians in 2000, Israel had to protect its citizens. Checkpoints, bypass roads, and the security barrier were put in place to prevent terrorists from attacking Israeli civilians, not to oppress or dominate the Palestinians. When the Palestinians make peace with Israel these measures will be lifted but for Israel to fail to defend her citizens from the unbelievable violence of a suicide bomber upon innocent men women and children is not an option. Would those who call Israel an apartheid state call for less security at our airports after 9/11 and 7/7.

Why do they not accuse Arab countries who have legislation specifically to oppress Christian minorities of being apartheid states? In Lebanon Palestinian Arabs are denied access to education, property ownership, medical care, and many forms of employment.  The Palestinian Arabs in Jordon are treated in an appalling way but you don’t hear such allegations of oppression or apartheid about Jordon. Women in many Arab countries have less rights than men and this gender apartheid goes unchallenged despite its openness. Women in Saudi Arabia are not allowed to drive. In some Arab countries women are not allowed to wear modern clothing. In 2002 fifteen girls burned to death in Saudi Arabia when Police refused them to leave a school which was on fire because they were not dressed appropriately.   The evidence of women in court is not regarded as being as valuable as men’s evidence thus those who are raped are less likely to be listened to. Women are subject of honour killings in HAMAS territory. In some cases simply speaking to a man outside their own household has caused their death.  Four thousand homosexuals have been hung in Iran between 1979 and 1999 but many Christian organisations don’t mention that.

Sadly neither do they fight for justice for Copts Christians in Egypt or Churches in Pakistan who have been persecuted for decades and still have Churches burnt down or blown up as we have seen in the last two months in both those countries by Islamic fundamentalists. Conversion to Christianity from Islam is punishable by death in The Palestinian controlled areas, Iran and Saudi Arabia and I have not heard a single call for them to be categorised as apartheid. 

I believe Israel although not perfect is trying her best to keep to the command of God and her own Political promise. I am not tired of replying to accusations that Israel is an apartheid state because it gives me an opportunity to highlight the hypocrisy and the fact that this allegation is totally unfounded and that Israel is indeed a democratic free country. What I am tired of is the arrogance of some of those in leadership particularly in Christendom who make this allegation in the assumption that ordinary people like you and I would fall for this lie.

Michael Fryer