Friday, July 12, 2013

Indoctrinating our young people

I don’t want to boast in what I have done because my boast is in God alone, but I want to tell you a little about some of my experiences as a way to express my shock at the extraordinary indoctrination taking place in some of the Christian summer camps here in the UK.
I first went to Israel just after the six day war in 1967 and that visit certainly impacted me. I began revisiting Israel in 2003 and from that time I have been gathering information, film footage, interviews, witnessing the results of suicide bomber attacks and experiencing rockets hitting the very street I walked along.  I would say that I have some understanding of what is happening in Israel and how certain situations affect the people who live there.
In 1994 I took a lorry of aid to refugee camps in Bosnia and encountered many difficulties ordinary people faced in a war zone and I saw a great deal of suffering amongst Muslim and Croat communities.
I served as a Police Officer for over 27 years and dealt with crimes involving murder, child abuse, and drug trafficking and I saw many sad and very distressing situations. I was a uniformed officer at the Toxteth riots and on the picket lines in Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire during the Miners’ strike. I have experienced those in authority deceiving and lying to protect themselves or manipulating the truth in order proceed with their own agendas.
I have been a Pastor for over twelve years and studied Holocaust at Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Museum, Jerusalem for four years. This has given me a deeper insight into the capabilities of man to destroy even the most innocent of human beings.
I am not, as you will imagine, shocked by much but I am shocked about the “mass indoctrination” of the Christendom community within the UK, particularly among our young people. Many of the leaders within Christendom today are not only teaching young people to disregard scripture and the tenets of our faith but they are teaching their followers to hate a nation and a people who have done nothing to warrant the accusations made against them. Israel seems to be the target of so many ministries now and the imminent Christian summer camps will teach non biblical and non – factual matters regarding Israel and the Jewish people to thousands of unsuspecting Christians.

The organisers of events such as Greenbelt and New Wine have again this year invited speakers who have their own non biblical agendas. Greenbelt who have their festival in Gloucester in August, have invited speakers who have a distorted view of what Christians should know about Israel both biblically and politically. At least two of their speakers this year are outspoken critics of Israel and are actively involved in promoting an anti-Israel Political Agenda which will at this event be passed on to our young people.     
Dr. Mark Braverman of the USA is speaking at Greenbelt this year. He is described as someone who “was transformed by witnessing the occupation of Palestine”….” He is on the advisory board of Friends of Sabeel again an anti-Israel organisation. He is also on the Board of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions-USA. He is a cofounder of Friends of Tent of Nations North America, which is described as a non-profit organisation supporting Palestinian land rights in historic Palestine. Dr. Braverman consults to and writes for the Israel Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church USA and is a consultant for Evangelicals for Middle East Understanding. Dr. Braverman presented an address at the launch of the Kairos Palestine document in Bethlehem in 2009 and at the global Kairos conference in Johannesburg in 2010. In 2012 he led a panel on Kairos theology at the “Where We Dwell in Common” International Ecumenical Conference in Assisi Italy and led a weeklong seminar on Kairos theology at the Iona Abbey in Scotland. We all know that that document is based on anti-Israel rhetoric.
Another speaker is Lucy Winkett who is Rector of St James’s Piccadilly. She is Chair of Trustees of the Amos Trust, an NGO which is anti-Israel. The Amos trust write in their mission statement “We seek to raise awareness of the impact on the lives of ordinary Palestinian people caused by the occupation, the restrictions on people's freedom, the horror of illegal home demolitions and the building of the separation wall. “
What will Lucy Winkett as Chair of the Amos Trust teach our young people at Greenbelt? 
Speaking at the New Wine Network summer camps is Jeremy Moody Director of Embrace Middle East and supporter of Sabeel and other anti-Israel groups. Mr Moody who last year spoke in favour of the Muslim brotherhood and condemned Israel will speak at two seminars during the summer camps. He described Jesus last year as a Semite from an oriental religion. He vilified Israel in his talk on the Arab Spring. He did not use one scripture to support his argument and did not use any scriptures which support Israel being gathered back to their land. I complained last year about his unbiblical attack on Israel and complained again this year that he had been invited back to New Wine as a speaker. I have had this reply to my complaint from one of the Leadership at New Wine. 

Thank you for your email about Jeremy moody speaking at New Wine.  I can assure you that your letter was taken seriously and many of my leadership team did listen to Jeremy's talk last year and felt that he wasn’t promoting a non biblical anti Israel agenda.  I'm sorry you feel no longer able to support the work of New Wine and Soul Survivor and we wish you every blessings in all that you do.

Clearly those who heard the recording have no knowledge of Scripture or the situation in Israel. So would you trust these leaders to teach your children Christian doctrine or theology? Are they indoctrinating our children and demonising Israel which will lead to a generation of Christians hating Israel. This is all very disturbing bearing in mind that Yeshua (Jesus) says that He will Judge the nations for how they deal with Israel and Paul tells us we owe a debt to Israel because they are our nourishing root.
On the CFZ You Tube site the following comment was made about an Interview I conducted with a Holocaust Survivor “Israel is the evil on earth. All Jews were communists” !!!
Whoever made this comment obviously hates Jews but how that does happen when the likelihood is that they may never have met a Jew, a Holocaust Survivor or a have any knowledge about the subject. The probability is that they will have been taught to hate.
This is the very reason why I am so shocked about what is being taught in Christian Summer camps today. There is a process taking place which unjustly demonises Israel, leaving those who hear the messages with a lasting and unhealthy attitude towards a nation who today are blessing the world. This includes the Arab nations with technology, medical and agricultural knowledge.  Palestinian Arabs are receiving medical help and being given financial and material aid by Israel.
This year in the HAMAS summer camps they will teach over 100,000 School children from Gaza to hate Israel and they will train them in military techniques with which to fight Israel. Christian summer camps may not be so obviously anti-Israel or as violent but it is a fact that they will be teaching our young people to fight Israel on a Political footing and they will lead them to believe that Israel has no Biblical foundation.
All credible Holocaust historians will say that without Christendom the Holocaust could never have taken place. It appears that without some of the Christian summer camps here in the UK, Christian young people and families would not learn to call Israel an occupying power or an oppressive regime or blame them for the situation in Gaza but would learn from the Bible. to love and respect a nation who is called to show the world that thee is a God who is faithful How can we stop this mass indoctrination of our young people? This indoctrination and demonization has the potential to grow and manifest in ways we are not prepared for. We cannot be bystanders any longer we have to act. We cannot expect the Jewish community to step into something which is a stain within Christendom—this is our business.
This indoctrination and is not coincidental, many of these heretical speakers are associates and their goal is to demonise Israel leading to the obvious outcome. American and European Christian leaders with this agenda have planned to infiltrate Christian communities and their goal is being realised today.    
So I want to ask you to answer the question, what can you do to join with us, how you can help and how can we bring scriptural truth to our young people and tell the true story of the events taking place in Israel.
Every Blessing to you
Michael Fryer



  1. I am reading the late Dave Hunt's book - a Woman rides the beast ISBN 978-1-56507-199-5 and am finding it hard to put down.

    I can almost hear you say "what has this got to do with indoctrinating?"

    Everything! You see, in the smallest nutshell possible, out of a book that is 550 pages, it describes the woman who is riding the beast. It is the church! Mostly Roman Catholics and other main stream believers many of whom are also in the Anglican church.

    Because of Dave Hunt's very clear and indepth research and teaching, I approached the Dr Mark Braverman's indoctrination from another angle. I googled, "Dr. Mark Braverman a Roman Catholic".

    Guess what came up - as you probably can guess. He is. This puts a whole new perspective upon the indoctrination. It is possible he is being paid to indoctrinate, because this is the final push the Pope & Co want. They want to indoctrinate as many people as possible, worldwide regarding 'evangelism' which isn't as we know it but is evangelism INTO the RC church, not the evangelism of the Good News of the Gospel leading to Salvation. I believe that if you also approach these people from their background as I have just done, you will find the root behind the reason for what they are doing.

    The RC church claims that Peter was the first Pope, which as you and I know both know is totally untrue. Their progress throughout the world going back decades is based solely on murder, deceit, fraud on a grand scale, immorality and total debauchery, homosexuality, paedophilia and the old chesnut - celibacy! They give the nod to all the other fornicating sins, but frown upon marriage by the priests. The priests totally debauched behaviour is why there are so many cases of sexual abuse being brought before the courts.

    This is Lucy Winkett speaking on AngloCatholics!

    When you consider how silent the RC church/Pope was before and during the Holocaust, you may now begin to join the dots and have an understanding why this indoctrination. These evil people always begin with the young people. They want to destroy them with their falsehoods. Once again, we see Satan trying his hand and 'killing off' the children.

    There is a way to counteract this. Get invited as speakers to these events, or ask people such as Chuck Missler to be invited to these events in order to expose the lie.

    And Pray Without Ceasing for the souls of our young people, that the Lord Himself would reveal Himself to them in their dreams, in their workplace, and put that still small Voice within their hearts that will enable them to tell the difference between the Truth and the biggest lie that is all set to launch right around the world.

    The Roman Catholic church hasn't changed as it would have us believe. In his book, "Dave Hunt sifts through biblical truth and global events to present a well-defined portrait of the woman and her powerful place in the Antichrist's future empire. Eight remarkable clues in Revelation 17 and 18 prove the woman's identity beyond any reasonable doubt."

    It's not often I recommend a book, but if a few people club together and buy the book - it's around £9, then it will save a lot of time doing your own research. I thoroughly applaud this book.

  2. I don't have any good answers or ideas, but it seems like its become a crisis and I agree that we need to do something. I think the thing is, it's become so widespread that it seems almost impossible to counteract. I like the idea of a camp or event that counters this sort of thing by presenting the truth to young people. I think part of the problem is that so few young people know their bibles because its not taught, and if they don't know their bibles, it's so much harder for them to see the truth. I don't know what the answer is though.

  3. Mike, I was thinking all through your sermon today... Would it be worth writing to churches, as individuals from FH, warning them and speaking out the truth to them? I have felt like I want to do that for a church I went to as a child, and I was thinking about it all through what you were saying today. I think sometimes we think there's not much of a difference we can make or we get disheartened by the scale of the problem, but if lots of us wrote to the pastors of churches we know about or have had contact with, maybe that's a start? I don't know if that's a stupid idea, but I thought I'd suggest it.

  4. I don't think we can point only at the Roman Catholic church. This indoctrination seems to be rife throughout Christendom. Prayer is our first , continual and last resort, but we can add to this , action. We can use email , facebook, write letters to newspapers & magazines, maybe even writing an article for submission to 'Christian Magazines' . We can ask questions of the organisers of these gatherings. We can put forward the case for Israel. We can 'chat the truth' to our friends and aquaintances. This is not the time to be silent, but the time to speak out.

  5. Seems strange to me but on one side people are trying to wipe out the truths of the holocaust from our history books of how so many of the Jewish people suffered. However they don't mind reporting untruths to discredit Israel. I think that's a little unfair to teach our youth a one sided view almost like ganging up in the school playground.
