Thursday, April 25, 2013

Introduction to my concerns for you

Welcome to my fist blog on behalf of Fathers House. I have been writing a blog and news for Christians for Zion for some years and find that it is a great way to write about Gods heart for Israel. In this blog I want to write about Gods heart for you as individuals or as a congregation and try to express His love for us but also how we can show Him our love for Him.

 Fathers House is a congregation of believers in Yeshua. We believe Yeshua is the Messiah and Saviour and the only way to Salvation including repentance of sin. We are a congregation of about seventy believers of all ages. We meet on the Sabbath and celebrate the Feasts of The Lord. During our meetings we celebrate The Lord through extended and expressive worship, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, words of knowledge, healing, deliverance and the teaching of the word of God drawing from the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation.

I have been a pastor since retiring as a Police Detective in 1999 and one of my real concerns is that many  believers in Yeshua are struggling with “The Church” today and finding themselves outside regular fellowship meetings because, to put it frankly, they can’t continue to cope with the Church as it is. Paul talks about a “family of believers” let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. Gal 6:10. But often it doesn’t feel like family and the messages it gives don’t even feel it is in any way a meeting of believers.

We read what the early believers said about having “everything in common”.  44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. Acts 2:44.or being in “one heart and mind” “All the believers were one in heart and mind” Acts 4:32 and we wonder why The Church today is so far from that first century community.

The writer of the book of Hebrews tells us not to “stop meeting together”  Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another Heb 10:25 so how do we reconcile all these things?

Thanks to the presence of The Holy Spirit we at Fathers House feel as if we are in a family, with one heart and mind. However I recognise that there are few congregations in the UK who do what we do in terms of the celebration of The Lords Feasts, and express through teaching and action support for Israel.  

I know so many individuals and small groups of believers who desperately want to meet together and celebrate according to Gods calendar. We at Fathers House pray for many of you.  In an effort to help we are preparing for an autumn conference to bring together those who are on their own for encouragement and fellowship and teaching. Our aim is to help believers begin to meet together in their own area and encourage each other to be effort effective, so this conference will I pray give you a vision as to how that can be done.

My first blogs will be teaching on the Feasts of The Lord, Sabbath, the False Messiah and the tenets of our faith which we all need to know and understand. So please join me.

Next Thursday we take a tour from fathers House to Israel so I will also tell you about that when I get back.

Shabbat Shalom



  1. Good to see this Mike! Hope you have a most wonderful trip to Israel and that Father reveals new things, treasures to be brought back and shared amongst His believers. =-)
    May He make His face to shine upon you.
    Crystal =-)

  2. So glad to hear about the would be a real encouragement to those who feel isolated. It's vital in these days when Biblical truth is being eroded from many churches to be in the right place with the right people ... worshipping God together and encouraging one another as we seek to walk in the 'ancient paths'of His times and commandments. Let's pray for one another, that God would raise up small groups, interconnected by our common desire to truly glorify God by following His ways not man's.


  3. Just wished everyone could come to Fathers House to find the truth, to see the love of God in action and see how the church can be used to it's fullest for the Glory of our Saviour Yeshua.
